1942 Harley-Davidson WLA

1942 Harley-Davidson WLA 1942 Harley-Davidson WLA



MotoeXotica is now offering this truly Awesome 1942 Harley-Davidson This Harley comes with a 45 cubic inch flat head motor/750CC, and a 6 volt system. This is an original WLA Harley, the chrome accents were added some time after WW2 by the owner at that time. We have offered the bike earlier with a rate Goulding side car, which someone has purchased separately. These Bikes have a long and glorious history when it comes to being reliable in the line of fire.Harley-Davidson began producing the WLA as WW2 loomed, starting in 1940. The entry of the United States into the war saw significantly increased production: over 90,000 WLAs would be produced during WW2, along with spare parts the equivalent of many more. Harley Davidson would also produce a close WLA variant for the Canadian Army called the WLC and would also supply smaller numbers to the UK, South Africa, and other allies, as well as filling orders for different models from the Navy and Marine Corps.

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